Back in Business

My computer has come back and hopefully running well, so I guess I am back. Everybody run for your lives! While I have been able to follow all of you thanks to my mobile phone, I use my desktop for writing posts. Trust me, it’s easier for me this way. However, I haven’t been totally idle over the past week and a half. First of all, I am delighted to announce to all of you that a band I’ve been plugging over the past few years, Slave to Sirens,’ new album, “Echoes of Silence,” is now out and it will be the first post after this.

Slave to Sirens

In the mean time, you can listen and enjoy the bassline to the track, “Salome,” compliments of bassist Alma Douhmani. I’m not a bass player but I think she’s very good.

I also discovered a very amusing television show the past week. On UK’s Channel 4 is a programme called “We Are Lady Parts.” It’s about young Muslim ladies who form a punk band. It mainly focuses on the lead guitarist, Amina, who is trying to walk the tightrope between being a good Muslim girl and her love of music. I’ve only watched a few episodes but like I said, it’s very amusing. In one episode, they play in pub full of white men and the reactions are quite comical.

Next post: Slave to Sirens- Echoes of Silence

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6 Responses to “Back in Business”

  1. Oh, I have to see Lady Parts! Love the concept and the name. Haha!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Slave to Sirens video-WOW! I agree she lays down great bass lines. Is that a Yew tree behind her? Love it!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Welcome back, I wonder if that show is available in NZ.

    Liked by 1 person

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