Farewell to Black Emerald

For the past eight years, I have been trying to open the eyes of the music world to the Reading, UK based band, Black Emerald, here on 80smetalman. Now, it’s my sad duty to announce that they will be going their separate ways. Guitarist, Edd Higgs, has left to go to university and it was decided by Connor Short and Simon Hall, that the band shouldn’t continue without Edd. Tragic, but I totally understand their decision. Therefore, I am going to use this post to reminisce about my experiences with Black Emerald.

Black Emerald at Bloodstock 2013

It all began at Bloodstock, 2013. My stepson Teal and I went on the Sunday in full readiness to get rocked by the likes of Devil Driver, Exodus, Anthrax and of course, headliners Slayer. Arriving early, we milled about the venue waiting for festivities to begin and I took the moment to hand out cards for “Rock and Roll Children.” I gave a card to one gentleman who looked to be my age. He, in turn, handed me a CD and said that I might want to check this band out on the New Blood Stage. It turned out that the man happened to be the father of one of the band members. Anyway, I did go see them. At the time, there were four members of Black Emerald but that’s irrelevant. What was relevant was the fact that this group of hungry young men showed that they had the chops to rock. Good vocals, a powerful rhythm section and a guitarist who could shred. I was even amused when lead singer and bassist, Simon Hall shouted “Hail Satan” at the end. When I returned and wrote my write up of the Bloodstock day, I stated that I was so impressed with Black Emerald, my next post was arguments as to why they should be signed.

My delusions of grandeur kicking in here, I would like to think that some record executive read that post and immediately signed Black Emerald. I did try to introduce them whenever I could, I took the demo CD with me when I went to America in 2014. Whatever the case, four years on, I received a message from drummer Connor’s mother, Sarah, who informed me that the band had recorded a new album. She also informed me that they were down to three members. Naturally, I shouted it out here and it must have paid off because I was invited to attend the official album launch in Reading in February, 2018. That night, history was made as I and everyone else in attendance was treated to the full album, “Hell Can’t Handle All of Us.” Again, I plugged it here as it is a great album.

Sarah and me. Sarah worked her socks off to make sure the evening was top notch. Full marks to her!
Edd Higgs on guitar
Simon Hall on bass and vocals
Connor Shortt on the drums

In the years following the release of “Hell Can’t Handle All of Us,” the band did tour the UK, unfortunately for me, I was never available whenever they came near me. Their final gig was the weekend before last when they returned to Bloodstock and rocked the Jagermeister Stage. This is another reason why I am bummed that I couldn’t go to Bloodstock this year.

Is the disbanding of Black Emerald a tragic loss to metal? I like to think so. I would have loved to see them up on the Dio Stage at Bloodstock but it’s not to be. All I can do is wish Simon, Edd and Connor all the best in whatever endeavours they embark upon in the future. I don’t usually post entire albums but in this case, I will make an exception.

Farewell Black Emerald

Next post: Gary Moore- The Wild Frontier

To buy Rock and Roll Children, email me at: tobychainsaw@hotmail.com

6 Responses to “Farewell to Black Emerald”

  1. Music is a tough industry. I’m checking em out on Spotify, hopefully they can do something again in the future

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I was thinking of a few years down the line when Edd finishes university.


  3. You did your very best, and so did they. Good on you all!

    Liked by 1 person

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