Great Rock Albums of 1985: Giuffira

A band that caught mine and many other people’s attention was Giuffria with their self titled debut album. The band was originally formed as a side project by keyboards player Greg Giuffria after he left his former band Angel. A band I had heard great things about back in the day but never got around to listening to. Back to Giuffria, their first single, “Call to the Heart” did get a lot of airplay and according to recorded history, number fifteen in the charts. It was one of those ballads that the ladies seemed to really like but it had some good progressive rock hooks as well as a guitar solo to grab the attention of men. If I’m honest, I liked the song but it really wasn’t heavy enough for me.

Everything that Giuffria was capable of doing can be found in the opening track of the album, “Do Me Right.” It starts with some classic 1970s sounding progressive rock via a great keyboard intro. Then the song carries on with some great vocals backed up by a more than capable rhythm section before guitarist Craig Goldy hammers out his best solo on the album. It’s definitely my favourite track.

The two hardest tracks on the album are “Don’t Tear Me Down” and “Dance” and it is probably a good thing that those two songs were back to back after the forementioned ballad. It proved to doubters that they could rock as much as anyone. Things go slightly softer and more melodic, bordering on commercial after that with the remainder of the songs, “Turn Me On” being the harder rocking exception. Goldy and Giuffria really cook with guitar and keyboard on that one. “The Awakening” is rather amusing, with the children’s choir and keyboards giving it that Saturday horror film feel. Saying that, the talent of this band pulls up the quality  of each song making them more enjoyable.

No matter what you think of the songs, you can’t deny that this was one talented band. David Glen Eisley had a voice that was as good as many lead singers in that day. The keyboard skills of Greg Giuffria show themselves in every song. Chuck Wright and Alan Krigger are very good rhythm section and as for the guitarist, Craig Goldy, his playing on the album leaves me to conclude that it was no wonder why he was head hunted to join Dio a year later.

Track Listing:

  1. Do Me Right
  2. Call to the Heart
  3. Don’t Tear Me Down
  4. Dance
  5. Lonely in Love
  6. Trouble Again
  7. Turn Me On
  8. Line of Fire
  9. The Awakening
  10. Out of the Blue


David Glen Eisley- lead vocals, keyboards, harmonica

Greg Giuffria- keyboards, backing vocals

Craig Goldy- guitar

Chuck Wright- bass, backing vocals

Alan Krigger- drums, percussion

While doing a bit of research for the post, I had one rumour from 1985 quashed. In said year, Giuffria went on tour supporting legends Deep Purple. The rumour was that Purple kicked them off the tour because Giuffria was blowing them away every night. I have always found that hard to believe, especially as I saw Deep Purple in this year and they were superb. From what I’ve read, Ritchie Blackmore was a bit of an a””hole towards the band. He cut their stage time from 45 minutes nearly in half to 25, forbade them to play any guitar solos and they had to play with the arena lights on. Therefore, they left the tour on their own accord and I don’t blame them. While I missed my chance to see them live, this album is a good fall back.

Next post: Don Henley- Building the Perfect Beast

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16 Responses to “Great Rock Albums of 1985: Giuffira”

  1. “I Must Be Dreaming” to see a Giuffria album here! But nope, there it is. I prefer House of Lords personally, but this was the start of it all.

    Interesting story about the Purple. Sounds like Ritchie was a little Butthurt.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Again, I’ve never heard of this lot… but I’m most intrigued.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I see this album in the used bins at vinyl stores all the time, but have yet to grab it. It is usually only $4 or so. And Blackmore is an arse if that story is correct. Sounds like self esteem issues. Great write-up.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. This was one of my favourite albums in the 80s and is still on my playlist today. (I remember the album sleeve appeared in an episode of Miami Vice.) The second album wasn’t a patch on this one,

    I read in an interview, possibly with Ronnie James Dio, that Giuffria kicked Goldy out for being too much of a metalhead.

    House of Lords weren’t too bad. I saw them in Birmingham supporting either Bon Jovi or the Scorpions, can’t remember which.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I didn’t know that the album appeared on Miami Vice. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. If Craig was kicked out of the band for being too much of a metalhead, then I’m not the least bit surprised. I saw him play twice with Dio and he was fantastic!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. A bit too synth-led for my tastes but I keep meaning to check out Angel too.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh, man. I remember this group well. I remember wondering WTH happened to them.

    Flashback to 1985… Foreigner is on tour (Agent Provocateur) & they have play date at Greensboro Coliseum. A friend/classmate of mine was a student at UNC-G. We were in line for tix & catching naps in her dorm between call backs…late 1984. It was so cold.

    Guiffria opened for Foreigner. OMG what a show they put on. It was the first and only time I saw one guitarist stop playing, get on his knees in front of another guitarist, hold up his instrument for the other guy to play. The music, the stage presence… I thought for sure after that tour, they would have exploded into fame. Then, nothing. I was so disappointed. But, I DID get to see them live. Freaking awesome. I was 18.

    Liked by 1 person

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